Kerman - "Dance of the Nymphs"

Reminiscent of the renowned Louis XIV tapestry this masterpiece depicts the "Dance of the Nymphs" and fetches inspiration from the prominent works of the Italian Renaissance painter and architect Raphael (1483-1520).   

During the early 19th century it became fashionable for the most affluent figures of Persian society to order tailour made quality carpets to adorn their mansions and palaces. Only the highest ranked, most talented and experienced weavers in the country were trusted to carry out these projects. The trend was to artistically combine the best of two worlds: a glorious Renaissance inspired centrepiece that cleverly blends with a personalised Persian styled border depicting elements of historically intrinsic value.

The best of two worlds  

The chirubs and godly figures, ornamental vase and musical instruments such as the pan flute that appear in the original tapestry have been magnificently incorporated into the carpet with utmost precision. This strikes an elegant contrast to the profoundly Persian heritage border. An artistic integration of exotic animals and a traditional Milfleur design border portray symbolic meaning and Western influence during this era of Persian history. A prime collector's piece of historical importance with an increasing market value.

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